Warangal (Panthini) - 520 KMS


Racing Point Warangal (Panthini) Distance 520 K.M M/S Date 17.02.2024
Number of Birds Participated 117 Releasing Time 07.00 AM

Position Owner's Name Bird Details Trap Details Results
Club Ring Number Color Gender Outer Tag No. Inner Tag No. Date Time
Racing Distance
Time Taken
Velocity Points
1 V.Mohanakrishnan 1263/23 Chequer Male 7315 656 17.02.2024 16:17:22 534.371 9:17:22 958.7416 5
2 V Karthick Vadivel 2915 SKY RPS/20 Grizzle Female 7258 224 17.02.2024 16:15:03 530.562 9:15:03 955.8816 4
3 VPR 13987/18 Blue Male 7233 272 17.02.2024 16:24:12 535.008 9:24:12 948.2590 3
4 Sulthan RPS0143/22 Chequer Female 7311 698 17.02.2024 16:22:24 524.602 9:22:24 932.7919 2
5 G. Selvam 607/22 Blue WF Female 7236 248 17.02.2024 16:29:27 9:29:27 520.815 914.5937 1
6 Padmanabhan RPS 1566/23 Blue WF Female 7288 337 17.02.2024 16:42:04 521.575 9:42:04 896.0743
7 Guna K 461SB/22 Blue Female 7223 377 17.02.2024 16:48:01 524.678 9:48:01 892.2835
8 V. Karthick Vadivel 567 SB RPS/21 Blue Male 7260 204 17.02.2024 17:18:04 530.562 10:18:04 858.4221
9 Sulthan RPS2378/22 Blue Female 7314 661 17.02.2024 17:31:21 524.602 10:31:21 830.9213
10 Karunakara Christy 320/21 Blue Female 7367 723 17.02.2024 17:35:31 521.418 10:35:31 820.4639
11 Dilip V 2730/22 Blue Male 7301 797 17.02.2024 17:52:12 524.875 10:52:12 804.7757
12 Siva Kumar T RPS2286/22 Chequer Female 7214 866 17.02.2024 18:08:48 529.933 11:08:48 792.3647
13 Imthadh-The Old Hand's Loft RPS 0831/22 Blue Female 7303 772 17.02.2024 18:03:59 524.797 11:03:59 790.3762
14 Ganesh 5791/20 Blue Male 7204 969 17.02.2024 18:08:44 522.311 11:08:44 781.0453
15 Rajanikanth 077/21 Blue WF Female 7328 722 17.02.2024 18:40:56 536.292 11:40:56 765.1116


Racing Point Warangal (Panthini) Distance 520 K.M M/S Date 17.02.2024
Number of Birds Participated 82 Releasing Time 07.00 AM

Position Owner's Name Bird Details Trap Details Results
Club Ring Number Color Gender Outer Tag No. Inner Tag No. Date Time
Racing Distance
Time Taken
Velocity Points
1 V.Mohanakrishnan 3380/23 Blue Female 8550 908 17.02.2024 16:03:14 534.371 9:03:14 983.6853 5
2 Siva Kumar T RPS728/23 Blue Female 3709 518 17.02.2024 16:16:01 529.933 9:16:01 953.0892 4
3 Siva Kumar T RPS727/23 Chequer Female 3712 504 17.02.2024 16:16:11 529.933 9:16:11 952.8036 3
4 VPR 169806/23 Blue Female 3767 521 17.02.2024 16:26:13 535.008 9:26:13 944.8817 2
5 V.Karthick Vadivel 606 SB RPS/23 Grizzle Female 3772 506 17.02.2024 17:10:55 530.562 10:10:55 868.4688 1
6 P.Jaga Omprakash 25 SB/23 Chequer Female 3704 564 17.02.2024 17:09:13 521.835 10:09:13 856.5665
7 P.Jaga Omprakash 2967/23 Chequer Female 3702 583 17.02.2024 17:45:51 521.835 10:45:51 807.9811
8 Siva Kumar T RPS735/23 Blue Male 3710 492 17.02.2024 18:02:03 529.933 11:02:03 800.4433
9 ADV Abdul Basith SB71/23 Dark Chequer Pied Female 8530 509 17.02.2024 18.02.10 524.793 11.02.10 792.5391
10 Ganesh 3322/23 Blue Female 8545 943 17.02.2024 18:11:22 522.311 11:11:22 777.9817
11 V.Karthick Vadivel 1006 RPS/23 Chequer Female 3773 480 17.02.2024 20:12:11 530.562 13:12:11 669.7466
12 Guna k 3 SB/23 Chequer Female 8541 990 17.02.2024 22:50:22 524.678 15:50:22 552.0791
13 V MohanaKrishnan 1244/23 Chequer Female 8551 886 18.02.2024 6:40:58 534.371 16:31:58 538.6982
14 Ganesh 3329/23 Blue Male 8548 929 18.02.2024 7:12:06 522.311 17:03:06 510.5180
15 Rajinimurugan 51/23 Chequer Female 3720 408 18.02.2024 8:21:30 536.293 18:12:30 490.8862

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